Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Remi 9th bodywork session post Rockley

Email:                                                                    Mob:07815 310568

Remi notes 19th September ‘13

Lunge session:

Remi was reluctant to step out and preferred trotting to walking – when asked to walk he would stop completely. Not keen to use his hindquarters – generally shuffling along. Kim reported he had been footsore and unlevel in front and he did look short left fore.

Appeared to have dropped muscle, especially topline.

Remi has dropped a lot of weight quickly – Pip reported he does tend to drop off quickly when sore.

Palpation and massage: (see diagram)

Remi was very sore and tight both side of hindquarters. Dipped away from my hands on light palpation. Especially sore right hind quarters but both were in spasm over glutes, biceps femoris and quads. Possibly slipped when playing in the field? Felt like a strain injury.

Stuck base of neck left side.  Sensitive rectus abdominus (caudal) and pecs.

He responded well to massage and looked more comfortable and softer at the end of it. His topline re-inflated well.

2nd lunge session post massage

Much freer movement overall and more balanced, less inclined to fall to left shoulder. Better stride length.


Massage booked for 28th September.


Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Remi update and holidays

I am back from ten days in sunny Barbados with B, having missed lots of rain here. The fields now have mud, and the nights are drawing in :-((

Remi not been right a while now. Mostly slightly unlevel in front but problem seems to be behind in quarters.

Feet and frogs look most robust and self-sufficient yet. Not footy. So don't think is foot / diet related. His feet doing good job self-trimming.

Whilst I was away, he has been light hacking and had body work. Muscle and weight dropped off, due I think to miserable weather, not being quite right and grass losing nutritional value. He and Mac are now having adlib haylage in field.

Remi had bodywork last Thursday. Think muscular injury. Very quarters out behind him and left shoulder and neck locked. Not right and reluctant on lunge before treatment and quite sore to treat and tucked up. Improved post treatment and movement nearly normal.

Saturday I lunged him and he started terrible and gradually improved to not too bad. So hacked (mainly for feet benefits) and whilst not entirely level and weighting shoulders differently he was happy and most confident over stones has been in months.

I had a lesson on Sunday to see if could gently work him through it. Came out dropped back, braced neck and unlevel in walk in front. Careful tactful lateral work in walk put him back together - back up, neck soft and was sound when trotted and cantered.

Keeping fingers crossed. He has more bodywork sat.

Am hoping is a fall and wrench in field and will sort itself out. Rest seems to make him tighter and stiffer so plan is gentle structured work and lots of Equissage and see.

Best case is muscular and fixable. Worst case it is return of soft tissue damage and suspensory damage in all four legs and a poor prognosis. Vet visit looming, but doubt there are any simple answers to find.

Last year Remi lived out without hay and looked great til Dec (then dropped right off the week froze before going to Rockley). This year he is on 24-7 haylage wheel barrowed out to far field in late September. Going to be a v long winter.   :-( 


Thursday, 5 September 2013

Remi first dressage outing in 17 months :-)

Last Sunday, Remi went to unaffiliated dressage at Oldencraig with his sharer, K.
Some niggles – he hated the sharp stones in the carpark, and didn’t move as well on the indoor surface as the warm up, and I made a calling error (said diagonal E to F rather than F to E!!).

However, was generally a successful day - 64% in N22 and 61% in E43. I am proud of both of them.
Remi enjoyed showing off in the warm up, and was very pleased to be out at a party.

In other news, K has bought her own horse! Surprise offer of one she has known from a foal, and always coveted. As she will be riding Remi and Mac less often, I am looking for help exercising Mac and Remi, if anyone knows anyone.