Not been a very good fortnight.
Battling thrush / deep heel and frog cracks and then flared up cracked heels
and massive allergic skin reaction on heel. I have been busy firefighting and
causing as many problems as I solve!
Fingered crossed all back under
control now. Still have few heel scabs and feet still have frog cracks but
think all calmed down and improving.
So whilst managed an average of four
road hacks / week in the fortnight, I managed non of the gymnastic schooling
and supplying homework. Non of the lunging / in hand / walk polework exercises
:-(( I prioritised hacking for feet. Remi also had wed and Thursday in
stable with heels bandaged.
Initial lunge assessment showed Remi
had gone back a bit compared to a fortnight ago. Returned to being more crooked
and over loading left shoulder whilst being in right bend. Less free moving,
more stilted and less keen to stretch down. Less skin and muscle flow over
Treatment found some tightness in left
shoulder, under back saddle and in quarters. Left shoulder not as bad as
first home visit.
Walked up to assess landings after.
Seem much same. Hinds heel first. Fronts intermittent. Probably averaging flat?
Views? Filming skills
improving - I had poor Elaine lying on floor half in a stable
Lunge after massage. Initially a but sluggish. Remi generally sleepy :-) loosened off to show best movement on left (bad ) rein yet. See last 30 seconds of video.
It seems that Remi can move straighter
willingly (shown by the releases and snorts and movement he shows when I
improve his alignment), and I need to do more straightening work with him to
build on this, and get it to be more established.
We did ten minutes under saddle in
school, at my request, to take advantage of having Elaine's experienced eyes on
the ground.
I hadn't sat on him in school since
28th March for sadder. Right rein walking 20-30 metre oval. Doesn't feel too
bad at all. Left rein trying to get neck bend to inside and keep straight and
get weight off left shoulder to level him. Generally trying to get weight off
left shoulder and more weight over to right shoulder. Also need to increase
neck bend to inside as is too plank like through body. Want straightness
through bend, not plank like straightness through stiffness. I think I have
more instinctive influence over him under saddle than working from the ground.
And whilst I am not that good at addressing as subtle crookedness (and have my
own default crookedness), unsubtle crookedness is easier to spot and correct
under saddle.
Played with exercise in halt to move
weight from one shoulder to other and back. Like first step turn on haunches.
Need to guard and correct that Remi
throws me and saddle over to right which is where I like to be. Need to stay
central .
Trot left working on alignment but
okay. Trot right, all drops off to right, quarters come in. Is correctable (but
agricultural to correct). Hard work for both of us, and hard to maintain. Did
manage to straighten and rewarded with snorts and releasing. Suggested pulsing
my weight left in rhythm to stay left.
Didn't do much. But enough to help
give me confidence that I have the tools to benefit him with low key school
work. Need to guard that I dont do or ask for too much in school under saddle.
Plan is to lunge / do some in hand stuff first. Get him warmed up and loosened
up and then do 10-15 minutes ridden work on big shapes, focusing on bend,
alignment, shoulders and quarters and where weight is. After fitting in hacking
wont be more than 1-2 sessions a week in school.
I am hugely grateful to Elaine for her
treatment, guidance and support, and her generosity with her time and effort. I
am building a team of people who are helping and supporting me with Remi, and
it is much appreciated.
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