Left front foot
Front left. Showing the deviation that has broken off. That doesnt bother Remi, and I am not worried about it. Am a bit worried though about the vertical cracks in outer hoof wall. Any thoughts on these?
Front left. Showing the deviation that has broken off. That doesnt bother Remi, and I am not worried about it. Frogs bulking up nicely. White line still rather spread - this is worst foot for this.
left heels - still weak, but slight improvement
Right front foot
Massive deviation. How he moves as well as he does in the arena, I dont know.
Massive deviation. How he moves as well as he does in the arena, I dont know.
Side show of right front foot. Shows cracks in deviation. Amazing how different same feet can look from different anges! Photo below is inside shot of right fore, and looks about normal!
Right fore heels. Still weak but have bulked out a little.
Frog bulkng up nicely. Crack in deviation. Looking like might fall off soon.
Left hind foot
Right hind foot
If he's still sound. I would not worry too much about cracks. Maybe try a hoof moisturiser . Have you tried Kevin bacons?