Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Remi update

He seems to really like the Eponas. He initially still stuck to soft verges like he had a memory of sore feet, and now is confidently striding out.

He is sound and building muscle back up, am just taking each day as it comes at the moment.

He has got a lot more spark. He is looking happy. Despite the muddy fields and driving wind and rain. I think he was flat most of September and October.

Interestingly his front leg and shoulder movement has really improved with shoes back on, as has his hind leg action, but the front was always were problems showed up barefoot. Now he is about 80% as good as he was behind, and 120% in front if that makes any sense. And the behind I think will come, and is a reflection of the lack of quarters and SI area muscle. Which is what needs building up.

Farrier is due on Saturday. Am thinking will probably put normal shoes on in front as the Eponas are a bit more slippery in the mud and lack toe clips. And our fields are like bogs. And I think most of the soreness / bruising in front has come out, so normal should be okay. He seems to be coping re thrush and mudfever though (famous last words). Holding weight after being clipped and gaining a bit more power behind and movement generally.

And he is building good relationship with his new sharer. She is mainly interested in gently playing in the school and building the work up together as they gain fitness, having odd lesson on him, and quietly hacking him. I think they are going to be a good team.

Is still early days (he tucked up on Saturday being left out alone, in dark and mud, with fireworks starting – owing to a communication failure, and no one noticing him).

Overall he is looking more solid, and less up and down, and much cheekier and happier. Which seems to be the right thing at the moment.

I am hoping to start doing more muscle building stuff with him now he is stronger – gallops / hill work / raised pole work etc.

Havent ruled out needing to medicate his SI but hoping we wont need to.
Mac on the other hand seems to be doing well with his hinds off. Feet have opened and frogs are bigger.

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